Mission Statement
Our mission is to produce an environment that inspires students, athletes, coaches, parents, and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for all athletic programs.
Our desire is to develop a community that promotes strong moral character, academic excellence, and future athletic opportunities. The primary goal of the Sickles High School Booster Club is to raise funds for Sickles High School Athletics all for the purpose of strengthening the status of the overall programs and support the financial needs of our teams.
2024-2025 Booster Club Board
President - Stefanie Hisler
Vice President - Robin Zancara
Vice President Fundraising - Robin Zancara
Vice President Financials - Open
Treasurer - Stephanie Byrne
Secretary - Melissa Shearer
Membership - Linda Raquet
Social Media - Linda Raquet & Stephanie Byrne
Merchandise - Tara Settlemire
Business Sponsorship - John Kamenar
We need volunteers! Please email sicklesathletics@gmail.com if you can help.
Thank You Business Partners
